Family of Judy^10 Carol Van Wicklin
Photo is of family of Robin and Judy (Van Wicklin) Fogarty. From left to right. First Row: David Boslough, Jr., Courtney
Boslough, Jr., Chelsea Fogarty, Connor Fogarty, Michelle (Raimondi) Fogarty, and Liam Fogarty. Second Row: David
Boslough, Leslie (Fogarty) Boslough, Floyd Van Wicklin, Evelyn Van Wicklin (partially occluded), Judy (Van
Wicklin) Fogarty, Robin Fogarty; Third Row: Chris Fogarty, Robert Fogarty, Scott Fogarty, Debbie (Stell) Fogarty, James Fogarty.
Occasion is 90th birthday party of Judy's father, Floyd.

Judy^10 Carol Van Wicklin (Floyd^9, Sherman^8, Gates^7, John^6, Jan^5, Paul^4, Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1
Jeppes), b. 1941, Rochester, NY
Married: Robin A. Fogarty (b. 1939) 1961
1. Scott Fogarty, b. 1962, Rochester, NY
2. Chris Fogarty, b. 1964, Rochester, NY
3. Leslie Fogarty, b. 1966, Rochester, NY
Judy's parents are Floyd and Irene (McKee) Van Wicklin
Robin's parents are Harold and Nellie (Wright) Fogarty
Background information:
Judy^10 Carol Van Wicklin (Floyd^9, Sherman^8, Gates^7, John^6, Jan^5, Paul^4, Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1
Jeppes), was b. 18 March 1941, Rochester, NY and m. Robin A. Fogarty in 1961. Judy is a computer graphics designer and layout specialist
and Robin is a retired high school history teacher (Irondequoit, H.S.).
Children: Scott^11 Fogarty was b. 1962 and m. Debbie Stell. They have two sons, James Scott and Robert Adam.
Chris^11 Fogarty was b. 1964 and m. Michelle Raimondi. They have four children named Chelsea Elizabeth (b. 1992), Connor Ian (b.
1993), and Liam Christopher (b. 1996), and Ethan Michael (b. 2001). Leslie^11 Fogarty was b. 1966 and m. David
Boslough. They have two children, Courtney Robyn (1991) and David James (b. 1993).
Personal recollection; need to compile specifics from my sister and her children.